Віктимологічні аспекти незаконного заволодіння транспортними засобами

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У статті визначені віктимологічні аспекти незаконного заволодіння транспортними засобами в Україні та здійснена їх класифікація на відповідні групи. Виведена структура особи потерпілого, до якої входять: соціально-демографічні якості; кримінально-правова, соціально-рольова, морально-психологічна характеристики. Виокремлені віктимологічні заходи запобігання незаконному заволодінню транспортними засобами в Україні, а також доведена пріоритетна роль жертв злочинів у виникненні віктиміногенних ситуацій та детермінант вчинення даного злочину. The article identifi es the victimology aspects of the illegal seizure of vehicles in Ukraine and their classifi cation into relevant groups. The structure of the victim’s personality, which includes: The structure of the victim’s personality, which includes: socio-demographic qualities (gender, age, education, marital status, etc.); criminal characteristics (role of the victim in the genesis of criminal behavior and in the creation of a criminal situation); a socio-role characteristic that includes the set of activities of a person in the system of public relations as a citizen, family member, member of the labor collective, etc. moral and psychological characteristic, which refl ects the attitude of the person to the social values and social functions that he performs. Victimological measures of prevention of illegal seizure of vehicles in Ukraine are highlighted, as well as the priority role of victims of crime in the occurrence of victimogenic situations and determinants of committing this crime. This crime is committed in the following victimological situations: in places not equipped for parking vehicles (on sidewalks, in the yards of houses, outside settlements); on vehicles not equipped with burglar alarms, or with primitive door locks or when they are not locked (leaving the vehicle while the engine is running; open door windows; no passengers (other persons who could prevent the commission of this crime); trusting relationships and the victim, in whom the latter voluntarily transferred his vehicle into the hands of the subject of the crime (friendship; acquaintance; colleague of work, training, etc.). The following victimologic determinants of this crime have been established. effect: a decrease in the level of law and order and overall effectiveness of the protection of the legal rights, freedoms and interests of the individual, society and the state as a whole, which has led to an increase in the level of victimization in Ukraine (especially vulnerable in this context are territories in the Donbass); in the east of Ukraine and the Crimea, the number and subsequent migration of which are not subsequently monitored by law enforcement agencies, which creates conditions for this category of persons to illegally seize vehicles; vehicles on which persons displaced from the eastern Ukraine and the Crimea arrived from the occupied territories are not registered in the local police units, which creates the conditions for committing this crime, since additional information resources, time, forces and means are required on their search; other victimological determinants (abuse of the law and temporary seizure of foreign vehicles by law enforcement agencies and other paramilitary units; a signifi cant decrease in the standard of living of the population in recent years, including the need for the illegal movement of citizens to another’s place of work and employment.
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Бібліографічний опис
Семенишин, О. Віктимологічні аспекти незаконного заволодіння транспортними засобами. Право.ua. 2020. № 1. С. 113-120.