Глобалізація як складова сучасного державотворення: теоретико-правовий аспект

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Наукові праці НУ ОЮА
The article is devoted to the theoretical and legal aspect of understanding the essence of globalization in the context of modern state formation. Attention is focused on the role, features and significance of globalization, taking into account the positive and negative factors of this process in the development of one’s own national states. The diversity of interpretations and corresponding scientific views regarding the concept of globalization, due to the complexity and specificity of this phenomenon, is noted. Attention is focused on the objective and subjective side of globalization, where the objective side is caused by economic, cultural and other factors of modern reality and reflects the corresponding processes of a long-term nature, which ultimately lead to the formation of a global system of human society and the development of various subsystems that provide its life activity and functioning (science, education, politics, etc.); instead, the subjective aspect of globalization, on the contrary, reflects the desire of individual participants of the world economy and politics to use the objective processes of globalization and their consequences in their own interests, to direct them in the desired direction. Such an important feature of globalization is indicated as its continuity, which means that no country in the world can be completely isolated from the consequences of the globalization process. The special significance of modern legal (legal) globalization as a special socio-legal regulator, which provides the necessary regulatory and organizing influence on society, where the ideas of democratization 94 Наукові праці НУ ОЮА and the rule of law are becoming extremely popular and widely spread, is emphasized. It is concluded that globalization is a complex, multi-faceted and multi-level process, which is distinguished by its universal nature, rapidly overcomes international borders and penetrates into all spheres of social life and leaves an imprint on the development of state formation. It has been established that in the conditions of globalization, outlining the prospects and determining the ways of state-legal development of any society requires an understanding and selection of the main factors of the specified process for their effective implementation in the sustainable rise of countries, thereby conditioning and encouraging the need to unite the joint efforts of national states to overcome negative phenomena of a global scale, while avoiding unacceptable aspects for their own state formation. Стаття присвячена висвітленню у теоретико-правовому аспекті осмислення сутності глобалізації у контексті сучасного державотворення. Акцентовано увагу на ролі, особливостях та значенні глобалізації, з урахуванням позитивних та негативних чинників даного процесу у розбудові власних національних держав.
Ключові слова
глобалізація, правова (юридична) глобалізація, державотворення, правова система, національна держава, міжнародний правопорядок. globalization, legal (legal) globalization, state formation, legal system, national state, international legal order.
Бібліографічний опис
Магновський І. Й. Глобалізація як складова сучасного державотворення: теоретико-правовий аспект. Наукові праці Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія». Том ХХХІV. Одеса, Видавничий дім «Гельветика». 2024. С. 84–94.