Вплив маргіналізації особи на формування корисливо-насильницької злочинної поведінки

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Європейські перспективи
У статті, на основі опрацювання наукових праць та матеріалів практичної діяльності Національної поліції, досліджені детермінанти маргіналізації особи, що впливають на вчинення корисливо-насильницьких злочинів, зокрема економічні, соціальні, політичні та психологічні. Автор дійшов висновку, що індивідуалізм свідомості стає основою споживчої ідеології за допомогою насильницьких засобів досягнення, якому приділяється все більше уваги з боку населення. Зусилля громадян направляються на задоволення власних корисливих потреб, а негативні соціальні обставини сприяють пристосуванню до навколишньої дійсності, змінюючи принципи й ієрархію цінностей, що є підставою для їх маргінальності та вчинення насильницьких протиправних дій. In the article, on the basis of elaboration of scientifi c works and materials of practical activity of the National Police, the determinants of the marginalization of a person infl uencing committing acts of violence and violence, in particular economic, social, political and psychological, are investigated. The impact of the economic crisis on the process of marginalization is manifested as follows: an increase in the number of those who remain on the periphery of an active society for various reasons; a sharp increase in social instability of representative (labile) population groups in the transition from economic activity to inactivity; temporary and part-time employment becomes routine, mass, chronic; rapidly increasing the number of people employed in different types of temporary, seasonal work; the group of those who have been out of work for a long time is increasing and unemployment is becoming a chronic phenomenon; the «wild» job market is booming, with young people working solely in the shadow or criminal economy. Social factors: diversion of huge funds from the goals of social development, inability of the authorities to solve the growing social problems; increase in property inequality, poverty of a large part of the population, redistribution of resources in favor of narrow oligarchic groups at the expense of the most vulnerable sections of the population; discrediting law as the main instrument of regulation of the life of the state and society; formation in the public consciousness of the idea of defenseless citizens against the authorities and crime; the corruption of law enforcement agencies, which contributes to the strengthening of crime, which, when merged with corrupt groups of offi cials and entrepreneurs, is further exacerbated with a view to accessing political power and managing the economy. Political factors: shifting policy goals from national development to securing control of oligarchic groups; diminished confi dence in the government, increasing its alienation from the society, which jeopardizes any good deeds of power; the decline of the country’s prestige in the international arena, the growing threat of its economic and political isolation; the profanation and reduction of political competition, the frustration of citizens in the values of democracy, the emergence of the threat of the collapse of democratic institutions; increasing the risk of the collapse of the birth of democracy and establishing a dictatorship inspired by internal or external forces in the wake of crime. The spread of destructive processes in society depends fi rst and foremost on ignoring these problems by the authorities, which can lead to a state of social explosion, the spread of protest movements, mass migration of able-bodied population. Possibilities for positive changes in the economic, political, social spheres of life, improvement of the moral and mental climate in society, and the removal of tensions in the society are in a strong, uncorrupted power, possessing the political will and desire to act. The author has come to the conclusion that individualism of consciousness becomes the basis of consumer ideology by means of violent means of achievement, which is receiving increasing attention from the population. Citizens’ efforts are directed towards meeting their own selfi sh needs, and negative social circumstances contribute to the adaptation to the surrounding reality, changing the principles and hierarchy of values, which is the basis for their marginality and committing violent illegal actions.
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Бібліографічний опис
Семенишин, М. Вплив маргіналізації особи на формування корисливо-насильницької злочинної поведінки. Європейські перспективи. 2018. № 2. С.214-222.