Police Supervision of Releases from Prison

It is provided the concept and features of police supervision; its correlation with administrative supervision is considered; the supervision of the behavior of previously convicted persons and legal acts regulating its implementation are analyzed. Given the central role of supervision in shaping police agency outcomes, the purpose of this paper is to understand ratings of supervisor performance overall and on several distinct dimensions. The description of the police as the strong arm of the State oversight reflects their authorization to enforce laws and policies defined by State institutions. It is concluded that there is a necessity to amend the Law of Ukraine "On the Administrative Supervision of Releases from Prison", other legal acts regulating the issue of supervision and probation.
Ключові слова
security, probation, police, police officer, police authority, administrative supervision, police supervision, prevention, restriction of law, supervision, legal state, preventive supervision, re-socialization., безпека, пробація, поліція, офіцер поліції, правоохоронні органи, адміністративний нагляд, поліцейський нагляд, запобігання, обмеження права, нагляд, правовий стан, превентивний нагляд, ресоціалізація.
Бібліографічний опис
Кh. Yarmaki, V. Yarmaki. (2019) Police Supervision of Releases from Prison. International Academy Journal Web of Scholar. 5(35).Рр. 2 - 5.