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Правовий часопис Донбасу
У статті на основі кримінологічного аналізу здійснено аналіз детермінації як соціально-деструктивного явища, яке негативно впливає на вчинення корисливо-насильницьких злочинів. Розглянуто феномени детермі-нації, причинності, а також аспекти їх співвідношення. З’ясовано, що зазначені категорії не мають однозначного тлумачення у філософській та юридичній літературі. Встановлено, що детермінація корисливо-насильницької злочинності – це зв’язок, що включає різні функції та залежності: спричинення, опосередкування й обумовлення. Серед детермінантів важливішими щодо впливу є причини (спричинення) та умови (обумовлення). Корелянти відтворюють кореляційний зв’язок, який згодом, у міру визна-чення його природи, може конкретизуватися в інший вид зв’язку (обумовлення, опосередкування тощо). It is noted that in criminological science, as well as other sciences, there is a stable tendency not only to isolate the cause from the whole complex of determinants, but also to contrast it with the last. This is due to the very specific status of the reason - the fact that only it has a genetic property, the ability to produce a consequence. Other determinants alone do not lead to this. They can only be background circumstances that more or less contribute to the process of causing socially dangerous consequences of a criminal offense. Therefore, cause and condition are different determinants. The problem of the determination of self-aggrandizing crime is central and perhaps the most difficult of all known criminology, which has not yet found a definite scientific solution. In its simplest form, the phenomenology of the doctrine of selfish and violent crime causes the conditions for the objective reflection of what is usually considered subjective - consciousness and its manifestations such as motive, purpose, set-ting. Generation and conditioning are properties that are exclusively caused by cause and effect. Therefore, it is precisely because of these specific characteristics that selfish-violent determination and causality should be determined. Criminological selfish-violent determination is a form of social determination. Its mechanism includes various functions and dependencies: both causes and conditions (correlates). Determinism expresses any conditionality of phenomena, objects, processes, all kinds of connections between them. Causality also points to the genetic link of the consequence to the specific cause as the main factor in its occurrence. Correlates reproduce a correlation that can subsequently be refined into another type (conditioned, mediated) as it is determined by nature. Causation is a type of determination that involves the production of one phenomenon (cause) of another phenomenon (consequence). The cause is manifested in a two-element link (cause-effect), a causal chain (where there are as many causes and effects as there are links in that chain), and a causal network or chain tree. The determining of the cause is the direct production of the consequence. Conditioning is another type of determination which is to create the possibility (likelihood) of the occurrence of an effect by facilitating the formation of the cause and creating the conditions for its realization. The interaction of cause and condition creates consequence. However, interaction is only a mechanism for linking cause and condition. The interaction does not replace the cause, does not acquire its function, and does not transmit causation to the conditions. In each link of the causal chain, in addition to the cause itself, there are other determinants associated with it: the conditions of formation of the cause of that link and the conditions that contribute to the occurrence of the effect of the said cause. Correlates may also be present in this link. All determinants of this link make up its deterministic complex.
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Бібліографічний опис
Семенишин, М. КРИМІНОЛОГІЧНА ДЕТЕРМІНАЦІЯ КОРИСЛИВО-НАСИЛЬНИЦЬКОЇ ЗЛОЧИННОСТІ. Правовий часопис Донбасу. 2020. № 1(70). С. 161-168.