Статті, проіндексовані в Scopus і Web of Science

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Зараз показуємо 1 - 5 з 175
  • Документ
    Military-Aggressive Crime as A Subject of War Criminology
    (Archives Des Sciences, 2024) Sokurenko, Vitalii; Savchuk, Roman; Hanenko, Ihor; Ганенко, Ігор Сергійович; Cherniienko, Anton
    The article is devoted to the study of military-aggressive crime as a subject of war criminology. It is established that military-aggressive crime is an extensive system of criminal practices based on crimes of aggression. Armed aggression against Ukraine as a foreign policy manifestation and consequence of the functioning of the Russian fascist political regime has as its consequence and accompanying manifestations a number of violent war crimes, crimes against humanity, as well as genocidal practices. They determine a backlash in the form of a system of violent war-related crimes. On this basis, two epistemological blocks are distinguished in the structure of military-aggressive crime: crimes of action and reaction. They are interconnected. The first determines the second. A number of war criminals among Ukrainian combatants, as well as civilians, who commit aggressive and violent hate crimes are caused by previous crimes against them, representatives of their community. It is stated that there is a paradoxical international legal situation when ongoing aggression as an internationally wrongful act of the State is recorded in various formats and at various levels, including the highest level of the UN, but at the same time, the international community does not respond to the crime of aggression in the forms inherent in criminal justice.
  • Документ
    Combating exsise Smuggling: A comparative analysis of Ukraine and Poland
    (Amazonia Investiga, 2024-05-30) Albul, Serhii; Shchurat, Taras; Yankova, Liudmyla; Samoilenko, Olena; Veits, Arkadii; Албул, Сергій Володимирович ORCID: 0000-0002-3253-9225; Щурат, Тарас Григорович
    The excised goods, such as alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, are the object of widespread smuggling and illegal circulation. This illegal activity leads to significant budget losses, affects the health of the population, and disrupts the level of competition in the market. In 2020 approximately 50% of all alcoholic beverages sold in Ukraine were illicit, resulting in significant tax revenue losses for the government. A 2021 report indicated that around 18.1% of the tobacco market in Ukraine was composed of smuggled or counterfeit products. This illicit market caused an estimated annual tax revenue loss of $250 million. The experience of Ukraine and Poland in the field of combating excise smuggling can be essential for the development of effective strategies and policies to combat this phenomenon. The aim of the article is to study the ways of countering illegal activities in the sphere of circulation of excise goods using the example of Ukraine and Poland. The research methodology includes: empirical method, document analysis method, comparison, and case study method. As a result of the study, an analysis of the effectiveness of Ukrainian and Polish legislation on taxation and control over the circulation of excise goods was carried out. The obtained findings can inform policymakers in Ukraine, Poland, and other European countries on how to refine and strengthen their legislation regarding the taxation and control of excised goods. Law enforcement agencies can utilize the research to improve their strategies for detecting and preventing smuggling activities, incorporating best practices identified in the study.
  • Документ
    Development of New Information Systems with the Involvement of Artificial Intelligence for the Men and Women’s Work: A Methodical Approach to Assessment and Selection of the Optimal
    (Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information, 2024) Kryshtanovych, Myroslav; Snihur, Liudmyla; Снігур, Людмила Анатоліївна; Buzhyna, Iryna; Бужина, Ірина Вячеслалвівна; Tiurina, Dina; Imeridze, Maksym
    The main purpose is to create a new effective methodical approach for assessing the selection of the optimal information system with the involvement of artificial intelligence to enhance the efficiency of men and women's work in organizations. The object of study is information systems used in the work of organizational activities in various companies. The research methodology involves the use of the BOCR method, which allows evaluating different alternatives in the development of information systems based on various comparison criteria. As a result of the conducted research, key criteria and two forms of information systems for comparison were presented. The evaluation results showed that according to the BOCR criteria, the most optimal information system is the one that uses artificial intelligence solely for analytical processing without data collection and analysis. The innovativeness of the research results is revealed in the proposed approach to evaluation and comparison. The study has limitations in the form of not considering the specificity of differences in the work of men and women in the context of thinking. Future research prospects should focus on gender issues in evaluation.
  • Документ
    Enforcement of decisions of national courts in cases of compensation for damage caused as a result of armed conflicts
    (Соціально-правові студії. Social & Legal Studios., 2024) Verba, Olha; Верба, Ольга Богданівна; Vorobel, Ulyana; Воробель, Уляна Богданівна; Haichenko, Andrii; Гайченко, Андрій Віталійович; Medvedenko, Serhii; Медведенко, Сергій Вікторович
    The relevance of the study is due to the lack of proper legal regulation in the field of legal determination of the procedure for executing a court decision under which a foreign state (aggressor or occupier) acts as a debtor. The purpose of the study is to develop a mechanism for effective protection of the rights of Ukrainian recoverers in cases of compensation for damage by the state aggressor through the prism of proper enforcement of court decisions in these categories of cases. In the course of the study, a number of general scientific and industry methods are applied, in particular, the method of analysis and synthesis, system, structural-functional, dialectical, historical, and hermeneutical methods. The paper analyses the legal positions of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the right to appeal to the court in cases of debt collection from a foreign state as compensation for material and/or moral damage caused to individual applicants. The study examines the practice of the national courts of Ukraine in cases of claims of individuals – citizens of Ukraine against a foreign state for compensation of material and (or) moral damage caused by the invasion of the territory of Ukraine. It is established that a state cannot be allowed to use the doctrine of sovereign immunity as a shield for its violations of other doctrines of international law, such as international law on armed conflicts. The expediency of applying the model of functional (limited) immunity, which is becoming increasingly widespread and recognised by advanced countries of the world, is justified, considering its practicality and compliance with modern requirements for the development of society and leading trends in the development of international law. The results of the study can be used for further scientific developments of the outlined problems in the rule-making process, both in the conclusion of international treaties and in national legislation and in the law enforcement process in the implementation of legal proceedings. Актуальність дослідження зумовлено відсутністю належного правового регулювання у сфері правового визначення порядку виконання судового рішення, за яким боржником виступає іноземна держава (агресор або окупант). Мета дослідження полягає в тому, щоб розробити механізм ефективного захисту прав українських стягувачів у справах про компенсацію шкоди державною-агресором або державою-агресором крізь призму належного виконання судових рішень у цих категоріях справ. У процесі дослідження застосовано низку загальнонаукових і галузевих методів, зокрема, метод аналізу та синтезу, а також системний, структурно функціональний, діалектичний, історичний та герменевтичний методи. У статті проаналізовано правові позиції Європейського суду з прав людини стосовно права на звернення до суду у справах про стягнення боргу з іноземної держави як компенсації завданої заявникам – фізичним особам матеріальної та/або моральної шкоди. Досліджено практику національних судів України у справах за позовами фізичних осіб – громадян України до іноземної держави щодо компенсації матеріальної та (або) моральної шкоди, яка заподіяна вторгненням на територію України. Встановлено, що державі не може бути дозволено використовувати доктрину суверенного імунітету як щит для порушень нею інших доктрин міжнародного права, таких як міжнародного права щодо збройних конфліктів. Обґрунтовано доцільність застосування моделі функціонального (обмеженого) імунітету, яка набуває все більшого поширення та визнання передових країн світу з огляду на її практичність і відповідність сучасним вимогам розвитку суспільства та провідних тенденцій розвитку міжнародного права. Результати дослідження може бути використано для подальших наукових розробок окресленої проблематики, у нормотворчому процесі як при укладенні міжнародних договорів, так і в національному законотворенні, а також у правозастосовному процесі під час здійснення судочинства.
  • Документ
    National Security in the Conditions of the Russia-Ukraine War: Legal Regulation and Islamic Law Perspectives
    (Al-Ahkam, 2024) Shkuta, Oleh; Шкута, Олег Олегович; Leheza, Yevhen; Telelym, Iryna; Телелим, Ірина Володимирівна; Anosienkov, Anatolii; Аносєнков, Анатолій Анатолійович; Yaroshak, Oleh
    National security is an important condition for the functioning and development of individuals, societies, and the states, however, this security is threatened by war, and global military conflicts. This article aims to describe the national security threatened by the Russia-Ukraine war and all its effects from the context of legal regulation and Islamic law. This article is qualitative research with a historical and comparative approach. The study results concluded that Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukrainian territory, the formation of a new international military alliance, and the establishment of international cooperation to strengthen the security of the world community, were identified as innovative ways to develop international and global security. This is important to ensure national security in wartime conditions is maintained because security is a basic need that must be guaranteed in the context of national law, human rights, and Islamic law.