Державне пенсійне забезпечення службовців відомства зв'язку Російської імперії у ХІХ - на початку ХХ ст.: історико-правовий аспект

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Одеса: ОДУВС
У статті на основі широкого кола нормативно-правових джерел охарактеризовано становлення і юридичне закріплення пенсійного забезпечення службовців відомства зв’язку Російської імперії у ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст. Проаналізовано нормативно-правову базу соціальних стандартів зв’язківців. Висвітлено критерії формування пенсійного забезпечення чиновників – зв’язківців. Охарактеризовано умови отримання пенсійних гарантій нижчими службовцями. В статье на основе широкого круга нормативно-правовых источников охарактеризовано становление и юридическое закрепление пенсионного обеспечения служащих ведомства связи Российской империи в ХІХ – начале ХХ вв. Осуществлен анализ нормативно-правовой базы социальных стандартов связистов. Освещены критерии формирования пенсионного обеспечения чиновников-связистов. Дана характеристика условий получения пенсионных гарантий нижними служащими ведомства связи. In the article on the basis of wide circle of normatively-legal sources, the becoming and legal fixing of the pension system of office workers of department of connection of the Russian empire is described in ХІХ - the beginning of ХХ century. The normatively-legal base of social standards of signallers is analysed. By the basic source of pension legislation of the Russian state, at the beginning of ХІХ century and to its falling, became "Charter about pensions and lump-sum grants" which was given out in 1827, that in 1832 entered to "Lawbook of Russian Empire". In 1842 and in 1857 there were reediting of "Lawbook of Russian Empire" and made alteration in "Charter about pensions and lump-sum grants". It is shown in the article that despite of codification of pension legislation of Russia, there was inconvenience in its practical use. The criteria of forming of the pension system of officials are reflected. Pension salary of official, including signaller, depended on a pension digit tied down to the position one held, and his time-in-service. The lack of the pension system was that salary did not have an influence on the size of pension. It goes to show that a pension in the Russian state was examined in the first turn as a caress and reward, and only then as a right. Such situation is explained by class society and autocratic character of monarchy power. The positive aspects of pension legislation of the Russian empire were: existence of pension low-limit; diminished terms of qualifying for persons in that the state of health got worse through service; in default of terms for the receipt of pension by an official, a non-permanent help was envisaged him; a pension or non-permanent help that their man or father could get was envisaged families of the dead on service officials, if went out on a pension in the day of death; family of the dead in retirement official could count his pensions on part. The terms of receipt of pension guarantees are described by lowest staff. The lowest staff (postmen, non-commissioned officers, sorters, watchmen etc.) were not envisaged with pension at legislative level, however lowest staff of department of connection of the Russian empire had the opportunity to get a pension, that was related to complication and risk on service. Equal as in a situation with officials, families of the dead or seriously sick and disabled lowest staff could apply on the pension of a man or father. From positions of motivational package successful were norms of social privileges that envisaged a help families of lowest staff if case of their death, or loss of capacity through the heavy wounds of lowest staff during execution of service.
Ключові слова
пенсія, зв’язківці, соціальне забезпечення, чиновники., пенсия, связисты, социальное обеспечение, чиновники., pension, signalers, social welfare, officials.
Бібліографічний опис
Федорченко О.В. Державне пенсійне забезпечення службовців відомства зв'язку Російської імперії у ХІХ - на початку ХХ ст.: історико-правовий аспект / О.В. Федорченко // Юридичний бюлетень: наук. журн. / редкол.: О.Г. Предместніков та ін. – Одеса: ОДУВС, 2016. – Вип. 3. (3). – С. 32 - 45.