Місце адміністративної процедури в структурі права

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Запоріжжя: Вид-во ЗНУ
У статті розглядається питання визначення місця адміністративної процедури в структурі права, а також різні погляди вчених на необхідність удосконалення регламентації на законодавчому рівні. Також у статті аналізується практичний досвід щодо функціонування адміністративно-процедурного права як засобу реалізації конституційних положень. The article examines the definition of a place in the structure of the administrative procedure law and different views of scientists on the need to improve regulation by law. The article analyzes the experience on the functioning of the administrative and procedural law as a means of implementing constitutional provisions. Background is that today the Ukrainian lawmakers are trying to create a better system of administrative procedures within the reform of the legal system. Providing administrative services as an indicator of the democratization of public relations needs improvement due to the need to strengthen the relationship between the executive and citizens - the main subjects of the administrative and legal procedures. In contrast to the conceptual approach of the Soviet command system, where the main role assigned to the state, now dominated by the needs of citizens. Administrative Services is the essence of administrative procedures, principles which currently underdeveloped. Given the fact that the administrative procedural law of Ukraine is the least developed, is extremely important in the management of the implementation of rational and democratic administrative procedures. The purpose of the article is to determine the specific location of administrative procedures in the structure of law through the analysis of the legal framework of administrative reform. Made conclusions is that the administrative process by its very nature is intermediate, including its structure elements such as administrative proceedings stage of the proceedings, stages and procedural steps. Administrative procedures today provide a framework within the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of citizens within the powers of public administration and provide oversight of the performance of their functions. The procedure is the element that unites consistent level of administrative proceedings, the logical conclusion of the administrative procedure and an administrative act which concludes on the basis of the administrative proceedings. Place the administrative procedure defined by the following characteristics: a special public nature and of possible; normative character, due to the fact that the administrative process is regulated by administrative law expressly regulate the activities of authorized agencies and officials; individual character; lack of administrative matters in dispute; stages; clear focus on balancing the rights and responsibilities of citizens and authorities involved in public administration; a result that provides the appropriate administrative act. Thus, the administrative procedure ensures the implementation of the right material side, putting into practice the law through consistent actions, serving as a means of exercising the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests in the legislative requirements.
Ключові слова
адміністративна процедура, адміністративні правовідносини, провадження, юридичний процес, the administrative procedure, the administrative procedural law, the proceedings, the legal process
Бібліографічний опис
Братель С.Г. Місце адміністративної процедури в структурі права // Вісник Запорізького національного університету : Юридичні науки. 2015. № 1(1). С. 57 - 63.