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Philosophical problem - for a search of «universal» method of scientific knowledge, discussion of which is devoted to this monograph is constantly emerging in research, as the only universal tool of scientific research. Indeed, modern society is an information society, namely a complex dynamic integral system, which is characterized by the rapid accumulation of new knowledge in cognition of various phenomena and their subsequent accumulation in knowledge and, accordingly, in science. Therefore, the purpose of knowledge is to isolate the absolute truth or knowledge about the reality of knowledge. Due to lack of time, to analyze the great content of new knowledge and the separation of absolute truth from them - leads to the search for a universal method. Therefore, our study is devoted to the theory of knowledge (epistemology) and methodology of science. The methodology of science is studied by us through the prism upon the table of all general methods of cognition (dialectics and metaphysics), as a way of adequate knowledge of new knowledge and the establishment of absolute truth. Emphasis is placed on the fact that today universal or also called universal methods of scientific knowledge declared dialectics, in consequence of which the laws of development of nature, society, thinking and metaphysics become recognizable (without which, dialectics will have nothing to study, because without elements as such - there is no movement and relationships and interdependencies, without ontology there is no epistemology). These methods are considered through the prism of their formation and universality, of knowledge they generate. Attention is paid to work G.Lisovoho, who, trying to find an universal method, combines dialectics and metaphysics into one method «dialectical metaphysics», but further fundamental development of the categories, principles and laws of the proposed method took no place. However, an analytical review of the presented scientific methods, which leads to the fact that none of their methods can count on universal recognition of it, as a universal method of obtaining scientific knowledge. This is due to the fact, that at first: universal nature the variety of methods, can be recognized or refuted by scientific research only with the help of logical argumentation. Secondly, even if the method in a whole is not universal, its individual components may still have universal importance for scientific knowledge, and the establishment of appropriate components in the future may be necessary, for the explication of the established method. Namely, retrospective analysis of known methods of science is used as relevant for a particular study. This corresponds to the thesis, that the method of scientific cognition can be proposed as a set of systematized cognitive operations, that correspond to the subject and objectives of scientific research. Thus, inference during scientific cognition develops consistently, in a ertain direction, which is facilitated by scientific methods together, rather than individually. That is, no need confuse or generalize the concept of «universal method» with «universality of knowledge». Versatility of the cognitive process - is in the search for truth using a set of different methods for generalization (from dialectics and metaphysics to analysis, synthesis, identification, measurement, etc.). Summing up, we note that the methodology cannot be reduced to any one, even very important, so-called «universal method». Therefore, the search for a single universal method of science, in our opinion, is the wrong way and pseudo-philosophy. Methodology is also not a simple sum of individual universal or general, or special, or methods of individual sciences. A scientist should never rely on a single doctrine, should never limit the methods of his thinking to a single philosophy. Methodology - a complex, dynamic, holistic, subordinate system of methods, techniques, principles of different levels, areas of action, directions, heuristic opportunities, structures, etc., which allow to know the truth and the surrounding reality. Сучасне суспільство - це інформаційне суспільство, а саме складна динамічна цілісна система, яка характеризується стрімким накопиченням нових знань у пізнанні найрізноманітніших явищ та подальшим їх акумулюванням в пізнанні та відповідно у науці. Тому ціллю пізнання є виокремлення абсолютної істини або знання відносно реальності що пізнається. Ця абсолютна істина повинна бути достовірною, повною, інтерсуб'єктивною, оскільки лише отримавши таку істину потреба в подальшому пізнанні зникає. Абсолютна істина звільняє людство від формування хибно¬го уявлення. Таку істину можливо отримати шляхом використання взезагальних методіі науки.
Ключові слова
всегазальні методи науки, діалектика, метафізика., універсальні методи., universal methods of science, dialectics, metaphysics, universal methods.
Бібліографічний опис
Оржинська Е.І. ДІАЛЕКТИКА ТА МЕТАФІЗИКА (В ПОШУКАХ УНІВЕРСАЛЬНОГО МЕТОДУ). Розвиток сучасної освіти і науки: результати, проблеми, перспективи. Том 7: Чинники оцінювання якісних досліджень [колективна монографія] / [Наукова редакція: Я. Ґжесяк, І. Зимомря, В. Ільницький]. Конін - Ужгород - Перемишль: Посвіт, 2022. 224 с.С. 179-186.