Поняття власної безпеки в органах поліції

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Університет митної справи та фінансів
Статтю присвячено з’ясуванню понять «власна безпека в органах поліції» та «власна безпека поліцейського». На підставі аналізу співвідношення та відмінних рис близьких за значенням термінів («безпека особи», «особиста безпека», «безпека життєдіяльності персоналу», «внутрішня безпека») вдалося встановити основне призначення та зміст поняття «власної безпеки в органах поліції». Пропонується власну безпеку в органах поліції розглядати як комплексний режим захищеності органу (чи органів) поліції, а також кожного окремого поліцейського (їх близьких родичів і членів сім’ї, майна) від загроз деструктивного і дезорганізучого впливу, що можуть зашкодити їх ефективному функціонуванню у звичайних та нестандартних (надзвичайних) ситуаціях. The article is devoted to the clarification of the concepts of «own security in the police» and «own security of the police». It is noted that prior to the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ukraine, legal terminology and law-enforcement practice did not contain such a term as ensuring the «own safety» of the police authorities. Today, this term also does not contain any clear definition. Based on the analysis of the ratio and the distinctive features of the term values (“person safety”, “personal security”, “safety of personnel”, “internal security”), it was possible to establish the main purpose and content of the concept of «own security in the police». It has been established that “own security”, in contrast to the “personal security” of a policeman, has several adjacent and distinctive features. First, both terms relate the state of the police officer's security against threats related to his operational activities. At the same time, the personal security regime arises directly when performing such tasks by the police, and for their own security – both during execution and indefinitely after that. However, in the second case, the state of the threat must necessarily be due to the professional (official) activity of such a policeman. Secondly, personal safety concerns only the policeman himself, while his own security – a policeman personally, his close relatives and family members, as well as his and his property. Third, personal safety includes not only the state of health and safety, but also the legal regimes of the police professional's activity against illegal interference or interference by others, as well as the honest reputation and reputation of the police officer. Proposed own security in the police authorities is to consider as a complex regime of protection of the police body (or bodies), as well as of each individual policeman (their close relatives and family members, property) from threats of destructive and disruptive influence, which can impair their effective functioning in ordinary and non-standard (emergency) situations. The latter concept is broader in comparison with the concept of “own security of the police officer”, because, in addition to the own security of each individual policeman (including his relatives, family members and property), the task of the commissioners to those entities is to create and ensure the regime of the proper functioning of each individual body (subdivision) and the police system as a whole.
Ключові слова
поліція; власна безпека; особиста безпека; безпека діяльності; внутрішня безпека, стан захищеності., police; own security; personal safety; activity safety; internal security; state of security.
Бібліографічний опис
Вербицький О.Д. Поняття власної безпеки в органах поліції // Правова позиція. 2019. № 2 (23). С. 111 - 116.