Перегляд за Автор "Ryzhkov, Eduard"
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- ДокументGuarantees of the loyalty of providing public services in Ukraine: legal and social aspects(Revista Genero & Direito, 2020) Албул, Сергій Володимирович ORCID: 0000-0002-3253-9225; Albul, Serhii; Ryzhkov, Eduard; Leheza, YThe scientific article is devoted to the coverage of guarantees of public services loyalty in Ukraine. It is proposed to include the following types of guarantees to ensure the loyalty of public services in Ukraine: appeals of decisions, actions or inactions of public administration entities on the provision of public services in court (administrative proceedings); control over the activities of public administration entities on the provision of public services; appeals of individuals (citizens and stateless persons) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Appeals of Citizens"; bringing public servants to responcibility for refusing to provide a certain type of public service. It is established that the significance of legal guarantees of loyalty of public services provision lie in: assurance of the rights and freedoms of a human and a citizen in the process of obtaining various public services; compliance with international human rights standards in the field of public services; improving the state image represented by subjects of these services; improving the legal awareness of public servants in the process of providing public services, which will be manifested in strict compliance with the legislation of Ukraine; improving the mechanism of providing public services by public administration entities, etc.
- ДокументLegal Regulation of the Status of Subjects of Special Competence in Relation to Public Administration in the Sphere of Intellectual Property in Ukraine(Jurnal Cita Hukum-Indonesian Law Journal, 2021) Албул, Сергій Володимирович ORCID: 0000-0002-3253-9225; Albul, Serhii; Leheza, Yevhen; Ryzhkov, Eduard; Deliya, YuriyRelevant issues of the administrative and legal status of subjects of special competence in relation to public administration in the field of intellectual property are considered. Main content. A circle of specified subjects in the system of subjects of public administration is determined. The role of subjects of special competence in the fulfilment of tasks of public administration in the sphere of intellectual property is identified. Classification of subjects of special competence regarding public administration in this field is presented. Features of the administrative or legal status of each group of subjects of special competence in relation to public administration in the field of intellectual property are analyzed. Specifics of the influence of these subjects on legal relations arising in the sphere of intellectual property are characterized. Materials and methods research based on the analysis of documentary sources. the basis is the dialectical method of cognition of the facts of social reality, on which the formal legal and comparative legal approaches are largely based. Conclusions are drawn about the place of subjects of special competence in relation to public administration in the field of intellectual property among other subjects. Proposals on the necessity to improve current domestic legislation in the sphere of intellectual property are formulated.
- ДокументІнформаційні технології(Дніпро : Дніп-роп. держ. ун-т внутр. справ, 2021) Вишня, Володимир Борисович; Vyshnia, Volodymyr; Ісмайлов, Карен Юрійович; Ismailov, Karen; Краснобрижий, Ігор Володимирович; Krasnobryzhyi, Ihor; Прокопов, Сергій Олександрович; Prokopov, Serhii; Рижков, Едуард Володимирович; Ryzhkov, EduardУ підручнику розглянуто основні інформаційні системи Національної поліції, їх структура та особливості використання. Наведено методику пошуку інформації у відкритих джерелах Інтернету. Розглянуто основи аналітичної роботи працівниками Національної поліції. Призначений для курсантів, слухачів і магістрів навчальних закладів системи МВС, практичних працівників Національної поліції. The textbook examines the main information systems of the National Police, their structure and features of use. The method of searching for information in open sources of the Internet is given. The basics of analytical work by employees of the National Police are considered. Intended for cadets, trainees and masters of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, practical employees of the National Police.