Legal Process in the National Legal Doctrine of Ukraine through the Scope of the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights’

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This article examines the theoretical problems of defining the concept and content of due process of law. It reveals the concept of due process and describes the main stages of its formation, development and legal design. The most important guarantees of liberty and non-freedom of person, which are reflected in international human rights treaties and enshrined in the constitutions of modern states, are examined. The purpose of this study is to examine the history, development and operation of the principle of due process of law in international, regional and national law. By analyzing international, regional and national law, the main elements of due process are identified. The most important guarantees of individual freedom and integrity are subsequently reflected in international human rights treaties.
Ключові слова
human rights; legal procedure; presumption of innocence; right to a fair trial; due process of law, права людини; юридична процедура; презумпція невинуватості; право на справедливий суд; належний судовий процес
Бібліографічний опис
Liliia Matvieieva, Liliia Dorofeieva, Mykhailo Burdin, Yevhen Durnov and Maryna Dei, ‘Legal Process in the National Legal Doctrine of Ukraine through the Scope of the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights’ (2022) 13(2) International Journal for Court Administration 5. Рр.1 - 12.