Коренное реформирование института президента государства, органов прокуратуры как его правой руки и всей системы антиделиктных органов: часть 1

dc.contributor.authorКириченко, Олександр Анатолійович
dc.contributor.authorKyrychenko, Oleksandr
dc.contributor.authorКосаревська, Ольга Віталіївна
dc.contributor.authorKosarevska, Olha
dc.description.abstractПідтримано інноваційне розуміння функцій та системи антиделіктних органів. Запропоновано докорінне реформування інституту президента держави та прокуратури як його правої руки у своє-рідну наглядову гіпергілку державної влади. Обґрунтована необхідність розвитку судової влади в єди-ний антиделіктний орган в особі Верховного суду, а також появу публічнотури, принципово оновлених адвокатури, слідчотури, експертнотури, ордистотури і виконавчотури, що мають діяти в якості єдиного антиделіктного органу за принципом єдиноначальності за всім спектром відповідної антиде-ліктної діяльності. An innovative understanding of the functions and systems of antidelictal authorities is supported. A radical reform of the institution of the president of the state and the prosecutor's office as his right hand in a kind of supervisory branch of state power is proposed. The necessity of developing the judiciary into a single antidelictal authorities in the person of the Supreme Court is substantiated, as well as the emergence of publicture, fundamentally renewed advocacyture, investigateture, expertiseture, ordistoture and executiveture, which should act as a single antidelictal authorities on the principle of unity in the whole spectrum of antidelictal activities. The existence of thirteen functions of antidelictal authorities in the context of overcoming criminal offenses and the need to perform similar functions in the process of overcoming all other types of offenses are supported. Innovative names of more than 25 antidelictal authorities, relevant activities and antidelictal specialists have been proposed. It is emphasized, that the institution of the president of the state and the prosecutor should acquire the status of a supervisory branch of state power over the strict, uniform and strict observance of laws and other legal acts by representatives of all other branches of government (law-making, law enforcement, antidelictal) and all other sub-branches. subjects of power and all other sociosubjects, and as a consequence, and the most effective, rational and high-quality performance by subjects of power of the basic constitutional obligation of the state to know, recognize, ensure and strictly comply with the legal status of all compatriots, operational prevention violation of their legal status and its maximum possible restoration. It is noted, that publictours and advocacy should act on the principle of unity with the receipt of wages and other preferences only from the state and protect the victim and prosecuted in all types of proceedings, as well as related legal assistance.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationКириченко А.А., Косаревская О.В. Коренное реформирование института президента государства, органов прокуратуры как его правой руки и всей системы антиделиктных органов: часть 1 // The Journal of Eastern European Law / Журнал східноєвропейського права. – 2021. – № 95. С. 23 - 37.uk_UA
dc.publisherВУЗ «Университет современных знаний»uk_UA
dc.subjectінститут президента держави; прокуратура; публічнотура; адвокатура; слі-дчотура; експертнотура; ордистотура; виконавчотура.uk_UA
dc.subjectthe institution of the president of the state; the prosecutor's office; the court; the publicture; an advocacyture; an investigateture; an expertiseture; an ordistoture; an executiveture.uk_UA
dc.titleКоренное реформирование института президента государства, органов прокуратуры как его правой руки и всей системы антиделиктных органов: часть 1uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeRadical Reform of the Institution of the President of the State, the Prosecutor’s Office as his Right Hand, and the Entire System of Antidelictal Authorities: Part 1uk_UA
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