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Association pour la Promotion des Sciences et des Innovations спільно з Інститутом психології імені Г. С. Костюка НАН України
Автором розглянуто комунікацію, яка завжди обумовлюються активним процесом взаємодії усіх її учасників, не залежно від ролі кожного. Оскільки під час даного процесу проходить не тільки обмін інформацією, але й сприйняття та її вірне розуміння. Наголошується про особливу актуальність володіння комунікативним процесом для слідчих органів досудового розслідування поліції, оскільки вони відносяться до соціономічної сфери діяльності типу професій «людина – людина», їх діяльність обумовлюються постійним потоком спілкування під час виконання професійних завдань та обов’язків. Нагальними постає питання відповідності слідчим найвищому рівню професійної діяльності органів досудового розслідування. Для цього він повинен володіти комунікативною готовністю. Тому, автором було розглянуто комунікативну готовність слідчого крізь призму провідних здібностей та якостей особистості, а також певних вмінь, якими він повинен володіти. All people during all life have the need for com-munications, both on physiological and psychological le-vels. Without communications with society, a person is not able to be formed, developed and does not exist. New information, impressions, emotions is not only received by a person but also should be adequately transferred to others. The problem of investigators’ competence, meeting by them of the highest requirements for their professional woks at the pre-trial investigational bodies is important. So, investigators must have communicative competence. An investigator’s communicative competence is discussed in the national and foreign literature; however, besides of an ability to use knowledge, skills and abilities, he/she must be ready to implement them. Therefore, we considered an in-vestigator’s communicative readiness in the light of his/her leading abilities and qualities, as well as certain skills that he/she must possess. Since the employee during working hours is in society, he/she must have the following capabilities: to establish interpersonal contacts; to listen to and to hear other people; to communicate constantly; to avoid discussing of controversial issues; to choose and implement adequate ways of communication; to control the conversation process; to treat an interlocutor with respect; to manage and organize other people; to make acquaintances and communicate easily with new people; to express one’s opinion clearly and to understand others quickly; to use the psycho-logical aspects of verbal and nonverbal communications; to overcome psychological barriers in communication; to de-termine an interlocutor’s attitudes to him/her on the basis of gestures, facial expressions, postures, etc.; to know the features of mental cognitive processes (memory, thinking, attention, imagination, perception, sensation, etc.); to use knowledge on temperament, accentuation; to determine an interlocutor’s temperament during psychological contact; to determine an interlocutor’s states and mood and to build his/her own line of behaviour based on such determination; to speak clearly in public, etc. The necessary qualities are: sociability; in-touch capabilities; simplicity; diplomacy; tactful behaviour; agreeableness, etc. An investigator’s communicative readiness is sup-ported by the following skills and ablities: to check a wit-ness's credibility (Ukraine Criminal Rule 96); to receive indirect evidence (Ukraine Criminal Rule 97); to conduct an interrogation (Ukraine Criminal Rule 224); to establish quickly a psychological contact with an interlocutor; to master communicative techniques; to control the conversa-tion process; to keep an eye contact with an interlocutor for a long time; to find an individual approach in communication taking into account an interlocutor’s individual psycho-logical features (abilities, temperament, character, orientation); to expose false testimonies, to reveal the truth and lies in the answers, to establish the truth; to use suddenness during interrogation by asking unexpected questions; to overcome, neutralize an interlocutor’s motives for false testimonies; to establish a psychological contact during interrogation, supporting further communicative connections; to gain an interlocutor’s emotional trust to the investigator, an interlocutor’s desire to testify; to demonstrate awareness of the life of the interrogated, their inclinations, connections, previous crimes, behaviour before and after a crimes; to contribute to the impression that “he/she knows everything”; to determine an interlocutor’s attitudes based on gestures, facial expressions, postures, etc.; to “adjust” to the line of conversation to an interlocutor; to have initiative in choosing of a communicative topic, a conversation rhythm, etc.; to pay attention to an interlocutor’s reservations, etc. We propose to consider an investigator’s communicative readiness in the light of his/her leading abilities and qualities, as well as certain skills. Under such conditions, an investigator will perform his/her professional duties at the highest professional level and this will contribute to the effective work of the pre-trial investigational bodies and their proper execution of criminal proceedings.
Ключові слова
комунікація, комунікабельність, соціономічна сфера діяльності, комунікативна готовність, здібності, якості, вміння, професійна діяльність., communication, sociability, mic sphere of work, communicative readiness, abilities, qualities, skills, professional activity.
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