Відповідальність за причетність до злочину та співучасть у злочині за Литовським Статутом 1529 р.

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Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ
У статті проаналізовано норми Литовського Статуту 1529 р., які передбачають по-ложення щодо відповідальності за приховування злочину, придбання або збут краденого, а також за вчинення злочину у співучасті. Визначено значення Литовських Статутів 1529 та 1569 рр. на розвиток кримінального законодавства Речі Посполитої та Московської держави. During the XIV-XV centuries most of the land of Galicia-Volyn and Kiev principalities became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the XVI century on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania legal provisions have been incorporated in the Laws-Statutes of 1529, 1566 and 1588 were the main Lithuanian Statute fundamental legal instruments in force in the Ukrainian lands in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. First Lithuanian Statute had great significance for the development of criminal law in relation to involvement in crime and complicity in the crime on the territory of the Commonwealth. Many provisions contained in this legal document are reflected in the Lithuanian Statute of 1588, as well as documents neighboring countries. For example, in the preparation of the Catholic Code used provisions of the Lithuanian Statute. As rightly O.F. Kistyakovskyy pointed, Lithuanian Statute "was the richest source from which the drafters of the Catholic Code of 1649, borrowed material". Catholic Code had many similar provisions related to involvement in crime and complicity. For example, to determine the specific type of involvement in crime and forms of association accomplices in the Catholic Code 1649 were used terms such as "indulgence", "state", "assistant", "hit", "Skopje", "conspiracy" and others. The same terminology to define associations accomplices was characteristic of the Lithuanian Statute. It should be noted that the feature of the Lithuanian Statute of 1529 is that it introduces into circulation the terms that describe the types of people involved and partners, establishes the responsibility not only for those directly involved in the crime or concealment of the crime, but also for those that used maliciously taken. The Charter contains specific provisions that provide for liability for concealing criminal possession of property and the purchase and sale of stolen. Lithuanian Statute of 1529 establishes penalties for the same offense, and accomplices involved in the crime.
Ключові слова
приховування злочину,потурання, використання майна, здобутого злочинним шляхом, співучасть у злочині, Литовський Статут 1529 р., concealment of a crime, connivance, using the property obtained by crime, complicity in crime, Statute of Lithuania of 1529
Бібліографічний опис
Беніцький А.С. Відповідальність за причетність до злочину та співучасть у злочині за Литовським Статутом 1529 р. // Науковий вісник Дніпр. держ. у-ту внутр. справ. 2013. № 2. С. 347 - 355.