Визначення права на державну соціальну допомогу у контексті досвіду країн Європейського Союзу

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У статті розглянуто європейський досвід у сфері соціального забезпечення, на прикладі країн Європейського Союзу здійснено дослідження підстав та критеріїв надання державної соціальної допомоги, виявлено та узагальнено тенденції сучасних напрямків реформування національної сфери соціального захисту. В статье рассмотрен европейский опыт в сфере социального обеспечения, на примере стран Европейского Союза проведено исследование оснований и критериев предоставления государственной социальной помощи, обнаружены и обобщенны тенденции современных направлений реформирования национальной сферы социальной защиты. The article deals with the European experience in the field of social security, on the example of the European Union studied the bases and criteria for the provision of state social assistance, discovered and generalized trends in modern trends of reforming national social protection. Ukraine’s desire to become a full member of the European Community requires the existence of the state of quality social security mechanism that meets international standards and provides a decent standard and quality of life. State, setting their own social security system should be guided by universally recognized principles and norms of international law. At the stage of development of new legal instruments in this area, an effective system of social protection is urgent study of the experience of the leading European countries, the level of economic and social development which is considered the most successful. Actual generalize best practices of the EU in defining the criteria of government social support and justification for their use in domestic practice reform. Social protection systems in the EU have a long history and emerged in its present form for a long time. In almost all countries provided social assistance due to poverty, which is usually a common name program to provide basic income. These programs are focused on the basic needs of the poorest sectors of society and financed by the state budget revenues. The organization of social assistance are usually applied multilevel principle as part of assistance provided to national standards, and some - has an extra character. European legislation provides a number of criteria for such assistance. The reason for state social assistance often recognized poverty. This criterion is established, usually through legislation and allows you to identify segments of the population, are among the poor people. The feature of social benefits in most countries is the fact that the size of the base and social benefits depend not only on family income or its individual members, but on the aggregate of all the circumstances of the family and its members, and the most important is the age of the beneficiary and character family. Current realities of Ukraine provided an excellent opportunity to borrow the best institutional and productive solutions. It appears that the most useful lesson developed social security systems can become EU experience providing of motivation and enhance targeting. Anyone who claims to state social aid, first of all, must use all other possibilities for their support.
Ключові слова
соціальний захист, соціальні стандарти, соціальна допомога., социальная защита, социальные стандарты, социальная помощь., social security, social standards, social assistance.
Бібліографічний опис
Андрієнко І.С. Визначення права на державну соціальну допомогу у контексті досвіду країн Європейського Союзу / І.С. Андрієнко // Південноукраїнський правничий часопис. - 2016. - № 2. - С. 95 - 97.